Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Money Cheat

Money, Money, Money!

One of the main problems in Sims is that simoleons can be a little tricky to get and takes a long time trying to rack up. Meanwhile your house is a one room hut and you can't really do much else. Well that's the beauty of cheats and more especially, the money cheat. This had to be the first cheat that I have ever learned about and years later I still constantly use this cheat as probably one of my main cheats to use. These cheats are the same in Sims 3 as it is in Sims 4. Remember that in order for these cheats to work you must type in the testingcheatsenabled true (Sims 3) or testingcheats on (Sims 4).

50,000 Simoleons!

This is the main money cheat I use, you can use it over and over and over again. I usually use it until I least have a million. In your cheats bar type in; motherload and volia! 50,000 smackers just like that!!

All the Money in the World!

While looking up some more money cheats for this blog entry I found a couple I didn't know about and that would be this money cheat. Instead of typing in motherload thousands of times you can open up your cheat bar and type in familyfunds [sims last name] [amount of money wanted] The max amount of money you can get is 9999999. Lets say I have a sim named Richie Sambora, then I would type in familyfunds Sambora 9999999 and BAM! I'm the richest person in the world.

A Little Goes a Long Way

Maybe you like trying to work for your money? Problem is, you REALLY want that new bed that costs only 990 simoleons. Well this small cheat is the one for you. Type in rosebud or kaching in the cheat bar and you'll gain 1,000 simoleons.

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