Saturday, September 10, 2016

Master Controller

Yet another Nraas mod, I had originally gotten Nraas controller to be able to get the nude outfit in CAS to edit my sim although with this there is way more to this mod then just that. With the Master Controller it's easier than ever to be able to play and control your sims. You can easily pick their jobs, career level, performance at career and school, population, relationships, and much more. In your house you can choose from a verity of options like choosing to clean everything in your house if there are lots of dirty items, or maybe adding a roommate. There is so much to this mod that it's hard to put into words so here is a full list of interactions that you can do with this mod.

In short, if you felt like God before while playing your normal Sims game then this will make the power even more impressive. I'm still new to this mod and discovering new things to it as we speak. Truly the best way to know all about the mod (as it is with a lot of nraas mods) is just to dive in and try everything out yourself. This mod is just basically gives the simmer more control over their sims and the town.


For more information and details about this mod go to Nraas: Master Controller

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